Wednesday, 26 October 2016

And the journey begins

I have not blogged before so I am starting this journey as I encourage the staff and students to become bloggers.
After visiting the Manaiakalani Trust in Auckland I saw how blogs were a great way for our students to share what we they are learning with their families here and around the world. I witnessed the children getting excited about people commenting on their work, children sharing ideas with each other and children wanting to learn more about their world.
I believe this is one tool we can use to truely engage our students in their learning.
Now we start on this exciting journey.

I have lookresearched why we should blog and found this link to a good article on why to Blog, have a read and see the benefits of blogging.

Manaiakalani Outreach Programme

What is Manaiakalani Outreach Programme (MOP)?
"Manaiakalani Outreach is an opportunity for school clusters to partner with Manaiakalani Trust (MET) to embrace the 'Learn Create Share' pedagogy along with its digital infrastructures and affordances. Outreach focuses on New Zealand school children, their families and whanau in challenged, stressed and isolated communities, particularly but not exclusively, in decile 1 and 2 school areas."