Thursday, 21 September 2017

Lead Like a Pirate - Harness the power of teams

Harness the power of teams
Prompt #1Leaders become great, not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower others. John MaxwellReflect on this quote.

When we look at some of the greatest sports teams in the world, they are the teams that are empowered to help in the decisions for the teams and the captains have the ability to make on field decisions that have the backing of their coaches.  The first few years I coached football teams I made all the decisions on and off the field.  After looking at some of the best coaches in the world I tried empowering the team to make decisions and from this we grew as team and had more success on the field.

These lessons I have taken in to my principal's role in an effort to empower everyone.  Shelley's reflection on page 86, 'You have been at this school for a lot longer than I have. You know your colleagues, the students, the community better than I do.' back up my own thoughts the way I try and do things.  As a principal I have a great resources of knowledge about the school community in all my staff and if empower these people to make decisions it can only benefit the school.  By empowering others I also ensure the areas I do not have strength in, an example of this for me is the junior area, runs smoothly.  I trust my AP to make decisions for the junior school as she has the experience and knows this area of the school.  I have learnt a lot about the junior area of the school since been a principal but still have not have the experience of day to day teaching to be able to know what is best for these children.
One of my favourite acronyms is T.E.A.M.S, Together Everyone Achieves Mores Success.  I think this fits in really well with empowering others as they are a huge part of the team that has a common goal to teach our children.

Been the principal of a smaller school can have its own challenges with this especially if there are a few people who want you to be like a 'traditional leader' and make all the decision for them to follow. This is the challenge we have to work on to ensure we are all on the same team.  

Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Lead lIke a Pirate - Leadership Treasure

“If a man does not know to which port he is steering, no wind is favourable to him”. Seneca, Epistle from LeadLAP pg 76
What is the most important work that you are focused on right now as a school team to improve student outcomes?  Is your staff aware of this? Would their answer be the same as yours?

If I am honest I would say that not all the staff would answer the same as me.  I can see how important it is to have everyone paddling the waka in the same direction.  I have been focusing on the teachers and teachers aides but had not put the same energy into the rest of the staff when looking at our vision and mission. After reading this chapter I see how important it is to have everyone paddling in the same direction and how important it is for me to lead this and ensure everyone is focused on improving the outcomes for our students.
This book is really helping me to focus my energy into the right places and to create a school where everyone is paddling the waka in the same direction.

Friday, 8 September 2017

Lead Like a Pirate - Enthusiasm

"Pirate leaders know that they have to bring energy and excitement to each day, no matter what” (LeadLAP pg 69)
How do you ‘fake it until you make it? What strategies do you use that enable you to make a positive choice about your own attitude?
This was a great chapter to read last week as we had a lot of sickness going around the school and everyone including myself was feeling rather flat.  As I read this chapter I realised that this was really the week that I needed to fake it till I made it, (to the weekend). 
I decided I need to get out there and spend some time in the classroom to re-energise and get back to being with the children.  When I am flat it is the office work that can keep me down, being with the children and watching them learn and be enthusiastic about what they are doing gives me the boost I need.  I find walking around the school and surrounding myself with positive people refocuses me and then this allows me to put that positive face on myself.

I also look around me and think about how blessed I am to have what I have and that always helps me to 'make it till I fake it.'